Organizational Agility

$ 3,250.00

Because work happens.

Organizational Agility Training Course Description

(2 hours and 30 minutes)

Let’s face it: Work happens. It’s just a reality of life for managers. You know … they have their day all planned out when suddenly they’re tasked with the impossible – build a bridge from toothpicks and string that will support a bulldozer and span the Mississippi River and – oh, by the way – we need it next week.

No worries, you've equipped them with organizational agility. Because of their training they have the ability to work within their system to get things done, creating a more nimble organization in the process.

The organizational agility training course achieves the following outcomes:

  • Communicate why organizational agility matters to leaders, managers and their organizations.
  • Identify where they fit into the Work Happens model and how that shapes their focus to improve the system or work within it to be organizationally agile.
  • Identify the things in their organization that help or hinder their ability to address current and future challenges.
  • Create a practical plan to address specific challenges that require organizational agility.

What You Get

For the sales price, you receive a license to teach this course to any and all managers and employees within your organization for one year (12 months).  Digital copies of all training materials you need to easily facilitate the course will be provided to you for download. The Organization Agility Quickfires training course includes: 

  • Prep Guide: A thorough and complete facilitation guide your facilitators can use to deliver the training.  
  • Cheat Sheet: An abbreviated version of the prep guide meant for use when your facilitators become more familiar and comfortable with the materials.
  • Workbook: A guide for your participants containing key organizational agility concepts presented in the course as well as provides notes space for personal thoughts and observations.
  • PowerPoint: A visual presentation used to support the training.
  • Prework: A short assignment that develops each participant’s current level of organizational agility for later use during the in-class portion of the training.

    Organizational Agility Training Facilitation (optional)

    Not ready to facilitate on your own? We can help you outclick here.