
$ 3,250.00

The art of friendly domination.

Negotiations Training Course Description

(4 hours)

Whether you’re hammering out a peace treaty with the prime minister of England or just trying to seal a multimillion-dollar merger, all good negotiators try to reach an agreement in which they get what they want while also preserving the relationship. That's easier said than done. People have different motivations and objectives, which can lead to conflict, resentment and frustration.

If you can’t negotiate skillfully, you risk damaging the relationship or losing whatever it is you’re negotiating for – and that jeopardizes future business.This training course will help your managers master the art of “friendly domination” and ensure your company closes the deal and opens the door for the next deal.

The negotiations training course achieves the following outcomes:

  • Define negotiations and describe what is meant by “friendly domination.
  • Determine your level of influence in a negotiation.
  • Describe the negotiation process and explain how to maximize your influence in a negotiation.
  • Describe the common negotiation styles, including how to best appeal to each.
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify the negotiation styles of others. 
  • Determine the motivations, negotiables and non-negotiables, of interested parties.
  • Identify supporting data and describe its effect on a negotiation.
  • Determine possible points of leverage.
  • Identify and create justifications for “best case,” “walk away” and “I can live with” scenarios.
  • Identify the possible reactions of the other party, including how to counter or respond.
  • Demonstrate the ability to effectively present each scenario.
  • Understand and manage emotions that can derail a negotiation.
  • Negotiate and reach an agreement!

What You Get

For the sales price, you receive a license to teach this course to any and all managers and employees within your organization for one year (12 months). Digital copies of all training materials you need to easily facilitate the course will be provided to you for download. The Negotiations Quickfires training course includes:

  • Prep Guide:  A thorough and complete facilitation guide your facilitators can use to deliver the training.  
  • Cheat Sheet:  An abbreviated version of the prep guide meant for use when your facilitators become more familiar and comfortable with the materials.
  • Workbook:  A guide for your participants containing key negotiations concepts presented in the course as well as provides notes space for personal thoughts and observations.
  • PowerPoint:  A visual presentation used to support the training.
  • Case Studies: These are used to help participants apply the negotiation concepts and includes a "school solution" for the facilitator.
  • Prework:  A short assignment that lays the foundation for the concept of negotiations, allowing for hands-on practice during the in-class portion of the training. 

Negotiations Training Facilitation (optional)

Not ready to facilitate this on your own? We can help you outclick here.